DANKO Hodowla Roślin Sp. z o.o. in Choryń is a company belonging to the National Food Industry Group, of particular importance for domestic agriculture. Breeding new varieties and the production of seeds of elite agricultural plants, as well as breeding of dairy cattle are the main activities of DANKO. DANKO’s mission is to improve the efficiency of Polish agriculture by creating and implementing biological progress in plant and animal production.
The company conducts creative breeding of winter rye, winter and spring wheat, winter and spring triticale, winter and spring barley, oats, peas, field beans, vetch, alfalfa and grasses – perennial and Italian ryegrass, festulolium, and recently also soybean breeding. The company offers Polish and European agriculture about 120 valuable varieties of arable crops. Excellent breeding traditions dating back to the nineteenth century, experienced staff, valuable genetic materials and intensive work in breeding nurseries, in field experiment networks, laboratories and greenhouses, as well as the latest implemented tools and breeding methods allow for annual registration of improved varieties.
Role in the Legume Generation project
Breeding activity in soybean and pea.